Introduction to
Thermal Oil (HTF)
Process Heating Systems
for High Temperature Applications



The diagram is an example of a thermal oil heating system
according DIN 4754 for process air heating.



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AB&CO thermal fluid heating systems are high temperature process heating systems, that uses a special thermal oil, a  so-called Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF), as the circulating heat carrier.

These types of heating systems are used for high performance industrial processes - most often as an alternative to high pressure saturated steam.

For instance spray-drying systems often requires very high temperature to achieve maximum performance.

They become an attractive alternative to the steam - mainly due to much higher operating temperatures on the media (HTF), that maintain low system pressure (often atmospheric pressure).

In the temperature diagram below you can see the differences in this - between water/steam (vapour) and different kind of heat transfer fluids. As it appears here, the steam at high temperatures REQUIRES PRESSURIZED SYSTEMS, whereas thermal oil (HTF) can be operated atmospheric up to above 300°C. When pressurised, the HTF can be operated even up to 400°C.

There are numerous other advantages, including significant less overall operation costs. But also disadvantages, See more at "COMPARE STEAM AND THERMAL FLUID".

Get more TECHNICAL DETAILS  here about thermal oil heating.

WARNING ! Despite the simplicity understanding the thermal oil heating system, it requires experts with high skills to get all things right. Unforetunately a lot of unsafe and poor designed system are seen, and thus sldo severe and fatal situation. Hot oil burns when it is not controlled 100%.

The HEATER in these systems are off course the main component - available in many designs, sizes and special features. Some examples below :

General Principle in
AB&CO Oil- and Gas-fired 
Thermal Oil Heaters


General Principle in
AB&CO Electric
Thermal Oil Heaters


The ThermoPack is a AB&CO heater
including accessories, all skid-mounted
in a unit, operating unpressurised i.e.
atmospheric, and with operating
temperatures up to 300°C

AB&CO electric thermal oil
heater for 400°C - moderate
pressurised thermal fluid.

AB&CO Large Package Solution



  Above in higher quality                    Properties Steam/Water                   Properties HTF (typically white mineral oil type)









The ThermoPack units (thermal oil heater units) comprise a heater, pressure vessel, main pump, heat exchangers, tanks, armatures, safety equipment, instrumentation, control system and the tanks for expansion, dearating & de-gassing, buffer and emptying including arrangement for filling/emptying system, barrels and tank.

The standard follows European code including PED 2014/68/EU, EN-standards and the recognised and demanding German standard for thermal oil heating systems DIN 4754.

All AB&CO systems includes the heaters - whether they are oil-fired, gas-fired, electrical heated or exhaust gas recuperative.

They are delivered with a full documentation package comprising drawings, diagrams, data sheets, specifications, instructions for installation, handling, operating and maintenance - and all required certificates necessary for deliveries within the EU.

Environmental solutions are available in many alternative design - including mounting of economiser and thermal oil heated by utilising waste heat in, for instance, hot flue gas.

AB&CO have specialised in ThermoPacks as skid-mounted units and containerised solutions (as shown on photo above / left). But systems are also delivered as separate components e.g. the heaters alone (below photo)

AB&CO oil-fired heaters at bitumen plant

The simple principle in thermal thermal fluid systems is heating by use of a special thermal oil - also called heat transfer fluids (HTF).

The HTF circulating through heaters (whether they are with burners, electrical elements or as flue gas recuperators).

Thereafter the HTF is led through a piping to one or several consumers, which can be for instance heat exchangers, air heaters, tanks. reactors, convectors, rollers etc.


AB&CO process air heat exchanger
during final inspection by
customer from Germany.

These systems are all tailor-made and they are always delivered as complete packages for assembly on site, or as skid-mounted units when the size allows it. They come with full documentation and easy readable instructions for handling, erecting, installation operation and maintenance.


The engineers of AB&CO are able to assist in the operation of the thermal fluid heating system by frequently analysing samples of the circulating oil. From the analysis it is possible to guide for an optimum performance and long life time for both the oil and the plant.

For more extensive assistance in optimising new or existing systems, or for trouble shooting - consider our
Consultant Services.

More Specific Data for :
Thermal Oil

Heater Units



Important for a trouble-free service is to choose a high quality thermal oil i.e. the heat transfer fluid (HTF). It is recommended to use a non-fouling, high temperature resistant 'White Mineral Oil' for the applications.

The HTF should be frequently tested e.g. by AB&CO laboratories in order to ensure a optimum and low cost operation of the heating systems.

Do not compromise on the HTF - use the right quality and check it frequently!




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